TJS Engineering College has established the MBA Programme in the year 2023. The Department of Management Studies is a prestigious wing of the Institution. It offers two year post graduate programme in Management. The curriculum for the programme is affiliated with Anna University. The programme was started to impart the Business education successfully. It is initiated to develop management domain and generate new ideas to contribute towards global business environment. An erudite team of faculty members moulds the students into multifaceted professionals. To equip the students with requisite knowledge & skills to meet the challenges The department maintains high standards in conducting lectures by Academicians, Industrial tours, Personality development programmes, Case studies and Guest lecturers from Industry. The programme offers specialization in the fields of Human resource management, Marketing, Operations, Finance and Business Analytics. The programme is backed up by high quality academic infra-structure. The programme strives to equip the students with more effective techniques of innovation providing them with global perspective.


 The vision of the MBA programme is to become a renowned business school to meet industry requirements fostering global values, enrich leadership qualities and infuse entrepreneurial spirit towards the student environment.

  • To Provide high-quality and values-based management education to nurture business leaders with global outlook.
  • To make the students to recognize the global competency level in all aspects of their profession.
  • To develop transformational learning to create ethical and socially responsible managers.

 MBA programme curriculum is designed to prepare the post graduate students

PO1: Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.

PO2: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

PO3: To enact themselves as a rich team player qualities to handle diversity and the

          leadership skills to make sound decisions

PO4:  An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

PO5: Ability to understand, analyse and communicate global, economic, legal and ethical

         aspects of business.

PO5: Ability to develop value based leadership.

PO6: Knowledge of contemporary issues.

  PO7: An ability to identify, formulates, and solves Management problems.

PO8: Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organisational goal,

          and contribution towards a team environment.

PO9:  Ability to independently carry out research / investigation and development work to

          Solve practical business problems

PO10: Ability to improve their awareness and knowledge about functioning of local and

           Global business environment and society.

PO11: Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

PO12: Recognising the functioning of businesses, identifying potential business opportunities, evolvement of business enterprises and exploring the entrepreneurial opportunities


 On successful completion of the programme

  • To have a thorough understanding of the core aspects of the business.
  • To provide the learners with the management tools to identify, analyze and create business opportunities as well as solve business problems.
  • To prepare them to have a holistic approach towards management functions.
  • To inspire and make them practice ethical standards in business


  • Application of multidisciplinary knowledge comprising of Human resource, finance and marketing to integrate business projects.
  • Developing the ability to gain multidisciplinary knowledge through case analysis, projects and internships.
  • Demonstrate social responsibility with emphasis on ethical values and standards.


  • Experienced and dedicated faculty
  • Problem Based Learning methodology with Case Study Approach
  • Inculcating on Skills sets – Soft skills as well as Managerial skills, Personality enrichment training.
  • Enhancing practical knowledge by conducting industrial visits and rural development programs .
  • Industry forum Membership .
  • Providing Pre-placement training based on industry Expectations.
  • Workshops and seminars  to be organized on recent trends in management based on Course Requirements
  • Guest lectures are arranged with experienced industry people and Academicians
  • SMART & Interactive Class Rooms.


S2S Forum membership


 AICTE & Anna University Chennai, Approved 2 Years Full-time MBA with Dual Functional specialization.

Specializations Offered:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Financial Management
  • Operations Management
  • Business Analytics


A variety of pedagogical approaches are used by faculty members teaching in the Post Graduate Programme in Management at TJS Engineering college . Some of the approaches are given below:

  •    Experiential Learning
  •    Case Studies
  •    Group activities
  •    Guest Lectures
  •    Workshops
  •   Situation exercises and Role Plays
  •    Business Quiz/Exercises
  •   Presentations.
  •    Brain storming
Experiential Learning

For some courses like Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurial development, the students are provided with Live projects to gain hands on experience of the various domains of the course.

 Case Studies

The teaching is supplemented by Case studies for every course to enhance the analytical and decision making abilities of the students.

Group activities

Group activities are taken so that the students learn to work in teams with diverse behavioural traits.

Guest Lectures

Guest lecturers provide an insight of various issues which are in addition to the syllabus. Various experts in different domains are invited in the pre scheduled slot throughout the year. The students are benefitted with the experiences shared by the experts.


Workshops are planned to conduct for the students to understand the course more properly. Various workshops on topics such as Six Sigma, SPSS, Tally, Advanced excel , Business analytics, Training and development will be provided to the students.

Situation exercises and Role Plays

Students are assigned certain roles in a given situation and they have to respond according to their characters. The process is usually repeated to make the students understand the various alternative actions and their repercussions.

Business Quiz/Exercises

Periodic assessment of the learning provided is normally done through quiz and exercises, which can be oral, MCQ or short answer type.


Topics related to the course are given in advance to the students, who then make the oral presentation with or without the help of audio-visual aids. The Q&A session at the end is held to resolve queries from the participants.

Brain storming

Panel discussions or brain storming is done by giving a certain problem to the group of students and asking them to find the feasible solution. It helps in building team work, idea sharing and creative approach among the students.


Orientation programme:

Orientation programme  serve as a foundation for college/university success. It sets a lasting impression for new students and their families. The main purpose of a good orientation session in a college is to bridge the gap between the professors and the students, ensuring a smooth communication between the students, faculties and the institutional environment. In order to the smooth functioning the orientation program was successfully conducted by the department of management studies for five days from    03-10-2023 to 07-10-2023.

Six experts were called to share the experience and knowledge to enhance the skills of MBA students.

Day  1: Ms. ANBUMATHI- GUEST SPEAKER  : Ms. Anbumathi is a founder of resource life science and a digital marketing expertise. She has delivered her content in digital marketing.

Day 2: Ms. S. Vani is a senior security analyst Infoziant security. She focused cyber security and awareness about cyber security towards the student’s community

Day 3: Ms Darshini Srinivasan is a Senior Programming manager in Astrone solutions and services pvt .ltd and she explained the methodology of Business strategy which motivated the MBA students. She delivered about business strategy and factors including it .

Dr.V.Lakshmipathy – principal of TJS arts and Science College was a good motivator and a good expertise in economics. He shared his varied knowledge based on the trends in management. He focused on all the functions of management like human resource , marketing , finance and Business analytics their streaming trends around the business environment.

Mr. Peter Ronald is the executive director at Prism. He is a resourceful social worker; he has transformed the lives of many young juvenile petty, first time offended in Tamilnadu. He delivered about the adequacy of management to MBA students and also the reformation that youngsters should have in their lives.

Club inauguration : Club inauguration provide an opportunity for students with similar interests to come together, fostering a sense of community and belonging within the college. Inaugurations contribute to a vibrant college life by encouraging students to engage in extracurricular an activity, which in turn enhances their overall educational experience Dr.K.Gunasekaran, Professor – Department of commerce, SRM institute of science and commerce was called to share the experience and knowledge to enhance the skills of the students. The Students were benefited by her knowledge sharing. The following have been inaugurated :

  • Marketing club
  • Finance club
  • HR club
  • Entrepreneurial club
  • Fine Arts club

 Industrial visits provide a unique opportunity for students to gain practical insights and real-world experience in their chosen field. Our mba students had a privilege of visiting a Aavin manufacturing Industry at Shollinganallur. The purpose of my visit was to observe the production process and gain a better understanding of how the industry operates.

  • Business Communication lab
  • Data analysis and  business modelling
Various Clubs are formed to initiate and enrich the student activities
  • Marketing club
  • Finance club
  • HR club
  • Entrepreneurial club
  • Fine Arts club


  • SPSS
  • Tally
  • Advanced excel