“Swachh Bharat Abiyan is not just about cleaning our streets and surroundings, but it’s a movement towards a cleaner and healthier nation”

        The primary objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service. ‘Education through Service’ is the purpose of the NSS. The NSS unit of TJSEC was started on 2018.

  • To Manifest service to the community while studying in an educational institution;
  • To Prompt the social conscience among students


“Not Me But You” defines the philosophy of NSS. The welfare of every individual is dependent on the welfare of society, hence, every volunteer must strive for the betterment of society

“When self-interest supersedes public service, society collapses under the weight of corruption.” 

T.J.S.E.C has doing NSS Activities in and around villages of the Thriuvallur District some of the villages benefited through our NSS Team has given below






6. Gummidipoondi





SI NOName of the activityOrganizing unit/ agency/ collaborating agencyYear of the activity
 AY 2022-23
1Campus cleaning & tree plantation at Panchayat union Middle school, kumaranpettai,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Panchayat union Middle school2023
2Traffic Assistance with Traffic police for public at kavaraipettai Bazzar,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Road Transport Office2023
3Tree plantation Program at Andar Kuppam Murugan Temple, Andar Kuppam,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Andar Kuppam Murugan Temple2023
4Volunteering on Panguni uthira thiruvizha at Arulmigu Muneeswarar Angala Eswari Temple ,Padiyanallur, Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Arulmigu Muneeswarar Angala Eswari Temple2023
5One day Awareness programme on plastic pollution in Panchayat union Middle school,kumaranpettai,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Panchayat union Middle school2023
6One day General Health Awareness programme association with Kumaranpettai panchayat office at kumaranpettai village, Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Primary Health Centre, Arani2023
7First aid training programme at Puduvoyal, Gummidippondi Taluk,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Government Hospital, Gummidipoondi2023
8Road safety awareness programme in association with Road Transport official kavaraipettai at peruvoyal,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Road Transport Office2023
9Volunteering on Thaipoosam at Andar Kuppam Murugan Temple  at Andar Kuppam,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Arulmigu Muneeswarar Angala Eswari Temple2023
10Voters day Marathon programme association with Village Administartive officer Gummidipoondi at peruvoyal village,Thiruvallur districtT.J.S.E.C/Village administrative office Gummidipoondi2023